Employee Selection and Development

Employee Selection and Development

Deciding who to hire is full of uncertainty and risk. Relying solely on interviews, resumes, and reference checks only provides a partial picture of a potential employee. Identifying the candidate with the best person-job fit requires assessing their capabilities, character, and alignment with your workplace culture. Interviews, resumes, and reference checks only provide a partial picture of a candidate. Relying solely on these methods can lead to poor person-job fit.

Giving you the complete picture, you will be able to evaluate each candidate’s workstyle, interpersonal skills and personalities, problem-solving skills, alignment of their values and motivations with company, business, or institution culture(s).


The results of the analysis from our client’s employee pre-screening tests’ outcomes ensure you select people who can complete the job and fit your organization. When you make the right hiring decisions, you find yourself with an engaged workforce, an efficient business, less conflict, and fewer headaches.

Our platform provides a suite of analysis tools to analyse typical appraisal outcomes longitudinally to provide employees with crucial insights about themselves, their colleagues, and how to effectively work with others.

With a clear recognition of their strengths and developmental gaps, and a greater understanding of their colleagues, your people become better communicators, decision-makers, and leaders. The end results are high-performing people, cohesive teams, and engaging leaders.

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