
Deliver Excellence
In Service And Execution

We improve the end-to-end efficiency of your business processes resulting in higher quality products nad services, better customer satisfaction and consequently higher profitability.

General Consulting

Our team combines skills and expertise in statistics, psychometrics, mathematics, and computer science to speed up and provide a complementary framework...

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Post Education Assessment Analysis for QA

It is the maintenance of a desired level of quality all types of educational assessments be they formative, summative, or professional by means of attention to...

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Automatic Item Development for Item bank development

A major innovation in psychometric science is automated item generation (AIG). AIG holds the potential to revolutionise assessments be it in education or in business...

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Credit Scoring

The credit scoring industry has a long tradition of using classical statistical methods for both short- and long-term loan default probability predictions...

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Employee Selection & Development

Deciding who to hire is full of uncertainty and risk. Relying solely on interviews, resumes, and reference checks only provides a partial picture of a potential employee...

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Our practical and comprehensive training programs give you the skills, knowledge, and confidence to well as understand the inference drawn from the statistical...

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